The Sinking City Wiki

The following is a list of achievements and trophies for the game The Sinking City.

List of achievements and trophies[]

Icon Name Description Guide
Acheivement-tempting-fate Tempting Fate Have your fortune read. During Frosty Welcome pay the fortune teller in the "Under the Keel" Bar. (Missable)
Acheivement-hook-line-and-sinker-icon Hook, Line, and Sinker Solve your first case in Oakmont. Complete Frosty Welcome (Unmissable)
Acheivement-deep-breath Deep Breath Go below the surface for the first time. During Lost at Sea dive for the first time. (Unmissable)
Acheivement-the-pleasure-of-finding-things-out The Pleasure of Finding Things Out Use the intelligence archives in your investigation. In the course of any case (successfully) use the Archives. (Unmissable)
Acheivement-reanimator Reanimator Press the button. During the course of Quid Pro Quo when clearing the lab for Samuel press the large button in the lab. (Missable)
Acheivement-brutal-honesty Brutal Honesty Betray the warehouse guard's trust. During the course of Quid Pro Quo, promise Daryl Grimes that you wont tell Anna about what happened, then tell her what happened. (Missable)
Acheivement-compliments-to-the-chef Compliments to the Chef Help the professor with his plan. During the course of Quid Pro Quo side with George Cavendish and Help him poison the fish (Missable)
Acheivement-use-protection Use Protection Challenge the horror of the Redemption Church. During the course of Fathers and Sons defeat the creature beneath Redemption Church. (Missable)
Acheivement-sic-semper-tyrannis Sic Semper Tyrannis Dethrone the patriarch. During the course of Fathers and Sons side with Graham Carpenter and kill Brutus Carpenter (Missable)
Acheivement-et-tu-brutus Et Tu, Brutus? Punish the upstart During the course of Fathers and Sons side with Brutus Carpenter (Missable)
Acheivement-its-a-kind-of-magic It's A Kind Of Magic Ask the Imperial Wizard to show you a magic trick. During the course of Nosedive at the Orion Gentlemen's Club ask the imperial wizard to show you a magic trick (Missable)
Acheivement-not-too-deep-for-me Not Too Deep For Me Study all the frescoes in the Temple of Dagon. During the course of Nosedive in study all the frescoes in the underwater cavern (Unmissable)
Acheivement-what-could-go-wrong What Could Go Wrong? Have a ritual conducted on you. During the course of Deal with the Devil give Ebernote Blackwood the Seal of Cthygonnaar and let him attempt the ritual. (Missable)
Acheivement-crime-no-punishment Crime, No Punishment Kill the old lady. During the course of Self-Defense kill Agatha Pierce as directed by Milton Pierce. (Missable)
Acheivement-double-tap Double Tap Finally commit the crime you were accused of. At the end of Self-Defense when Johannes van der Berg appears in Reeds room shoot him.
Acheivement-the-end-justifies-the-means The End Justifies The Means Kill the priestess During the course of Fleeing Phoenix Side with Joseph Hill and kill Usha (Missable)
Acheivement-still-salty Still Salty Kill the archeologist. During the course of Fleeing Phoenix Side with Usha and kill Joseph Hill (Missable)
Acheivement-dodge-this Dodge This Defeat a little girl without playing fair. During the course of Fleeing Phoenix Side with Usha, then after helping her, kill her. (Missable)
Acheivement-damage-control Damage Control Prevent the last self-immolation. During the course of Into the Depths, at St. Michaels Church of The Burning Bush stop the last congregation member from immolating herself. (Missable)
Acheivement-im-out-of-here I'm Out Of Here Leave the city and the world to their fate. At the end of Into the Depths take the I'm Out Of Here Ending. (Missable)
Acheivement-the-stars-are-right The Stars Are Right End the Cycle. At the end of Into the Depths take the The Stars Are Right Ending (Missable)
Acheivement-leap-of-faith Leap of Faith Restart the Cycle. At the end of Into the Depths take the Leap of Faith Ending (Missable)
Acheivement-first-do-no-harm First, Do No Harm Agree to the experimental treatment. When speaking to Doctor Grant at St. Mary's Hospital mention headaches and agree to the experimental treatment. (Missable)
Acheivement-extra-extra-icon Extra! Extra! Give an interview to the local newspaper. When speaking to Helen Bland at The Oakmont Chronicle agree to an interview. (Missable)
Acheivement-no-honor-among-thieves No Honor Among Thieves Take Sidney's stash. You monster. During the course of A Delicate Matter at the Residence of Sydney Stokes loot the container behind some boards in the kitchen. (Missable)
Acheivement-family-reunion Family Reunion Uphold your agreement with Robert. At the end of Through the Looking Glass do not let Bethany Throgmorton keep the mirror, instead return it to Robert Throgmorton. (Missable)
Acheivement-both-worlds Both Worlds Humor a grieving mother. At the end of Through the Looking Glass let Bethany Throgmorton keep the mirror. (Missable)
Acheivement-all-sewn-up All Sewn Up Banish Granny Weaver. Defeat Granny Weaver at the end of Silence is Golden.
Acheivement-all-evidence All Evidence Collected Complete every challenge Oakmont has to offer. Get all other trophies/achievements.