Assigned Reading is a side case in The Sinking City, it is started by talking to the man standing by the Oakmont University fountain, called Samuel Hopes.
He asks Charles Reed whether he's the man that a certain Wendell sent to deliver him the books. Samuel then says that he hasn't heard from him for a week and is concerned about the tomes, as they are of great value.
Three rare books are missing. One was taken for restoration and the two others for study. They are the 3rd, 7th and 9th of a total of 11 tomes written by the Humble Servant.
Finding the First Book[]
"The Second Eyelid" The book was taken by students for personal reading. Address: Inner Shine St, between Windsweep Rd and Kustice St, in western Shells.
Upon arriving at the Student's House Reed finds three several students reading downstairs and all the upstairs rooms padlocked. On the table downstairs he finds a paper entitled Urgent message
I was told to contact you when I cross the boundary. We made it. There's three of us. Tell me, is it really safer here than our world? I do not like the smell of this air. It reeks of madness. We have acquired one of their books. Despite my apprehensions, we will open more pathways here. Our people deserve life more than they do. We know horrors without words. We know eternity. We know agony. These people know only indulgence and ego. We will become them, and they will become nothing.
In the upstairs room at the end of the hall reed finds a book on a desk entitled Student's Diary
Finally, Esther has found the book we were looking for. If it's true then we'll be able to attend all our boring lectures without actually going- the illusions will take our place! It's incredible. I wonder why no one else has done it?
In the first room on the left upstairs there he finds an illusory wall, behind which he finds the same three students he just saw downstairs dead. one pinned to the wall, one in a bed and one on the ground. Reed notes that they were not killed long ago. Using Retrocognition Reed discovers that the students created copies of themselves, the copies killed the students then hid the bodies after taking the book. The omens then lead Reed back downstairs to an illusory wall in the corner of the dining room, behind which is the missing book, The Second Eyelid.
By your humble servant. My faithful reader, there are things in this world that defy logic or reason. Lesser minds will insist on their falsity, but truth is in the eye of the beholder. Be brave. Ignore the ignorant, and close your second eyelid. I shall teach you how to cut a slice from another dimension, and manifest these dark materials before the eyes of thousands. These "illusions" will seem all but real, but note well: you must never bring across living creatures. They are not of this world.
As soon as Reed picks up the book the "students" become hostile and attack him.
Finding the Second Book[]
"Mastery of Words" The book was given to the restorer. Address: the single detached manor on Baker St, between Huracan Rd and Ambrose St, in Reed Heights south.
Upon arriving at the Book Restorer's Manor Reed finds the front door locked and the back door boarded up. He is able to break in through the back door. Inside he finds a desk and typewriter has been placed in the center of the main entryway and the floor is strewn with pages. On the desk is a paper entitled Unsent letter.
Dear Mr. Samuel Hopes, I am pleased to report that I have successfully restored the tome you sent me. But before we conclude our business together, I wonder if perhaps you might appreciate having some copies of the book? I would be honored to duplicate the work, and would do so without charge. I am confident you will accept my proposal and have in fact already finished copying the first chapter. A tome of such power deserves to be read by many, should it not?
Upstairs Reed finds a second piece of paper on a small desk entitled A scrap of paper
Someone, please, help me! I don't want to write anymore! Written words can change the world. I want to sleep. I'm hungry. I can't feel my fingers. Make the book stop. Please. Written words can change the world. Written words can change the world. Written words can change the world.
In the padlocked upstairs room he finds an illusory set of shelves behind which he finds the book restorer saying "Go away, I mustn't stop writing, so many words" and the missing book, Mastery of Words on a pedestal.
By your humble servant.
The sounds born on our tongues can be more powerful than you could imagine, my faithful reader. And the written words can change the world. I shall teach you how to use these words to control weak minds. Should you kneel before this tome and absorb its teachings, so too shall others kneel before you. But such power is only for the worthy, and will destroy those unfit to wield it. Blessed reader, you must transcribe these words in your own hand. Only deserving minds will be able cease. Will you take the risk?
Upon picking up the book, the restorer becomes hostile, attacking Reed.
Finding the Third Book[]
"Angles of the Mind"
The book was loaned for personal reading.
Address: lost.
Benjamin Miller, clerk in the bank of Oakmont. Lives somewhere in Advent.
Lacking an address to search at, Reed heads to Oakmont City Hall to find more information on Benjamin Miller. Using the archives there (Subject: Citizens, Registry: Occupation, District: Advent) Reed discovers a record entitled Benjamin Miller. This document provides the address Carpenter St, between Benevolent Tides Rd and Hawthorne Ave, in central Advent.
After arriving at Benjamin Miller's Residence Reed finds the ground floor empty with a Note on the door next to a locked door. This note
The illusion is a statue on a small table, underneath which is a Melted Iron key. Behind the now unlocked door is a large sigil which, upon using his Mind's Eye, Reed is able to use transport himself to another room. This room features a large couch, a fireplace, and a pool table. On one The right wall (facing the pool table, fireplace to his back) is an illusion, and dispelling it reveals several people who become aggressive immediately upon the illusion being removed. Be wary, the one in the white suit has a gun. There, on a pedestal is the missing book: Angles of the Mind.
Upon returning to Samuel, Reed tries to suggest that the book club be more careful in distributing these books but is soundly rejected. As a reward for completing this quest the Master Sleuth costume becomes available.