The Sinking City Wiki

Ltweight1 Ltweight1 4 July 2023

Referential Style

As I've been working on creating new articles and filling out existing ones I have been thinking about how we should refer to events in the game, specifically how the player interacts with the game. For example the start of the game can be described in several ways.

  1. After searching the Charon, Charles Reed then speaks to Johannes van Der Berg on the pier.
  2. After searching the Charon, the player character then speaks to Johannes Van Der Berg on the pier.
  3. After searching the Charon, speak to Johannes Van Der Berg on the pier.
  4. After searching the Charon, you speak to Johannes Van Der Berg on the pier.

In the first example we are explicitly referring to the player character by name. (Charles Reed)
In the second example we refer to the player charac…

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