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Blood from a Stone is a side case in The Sinking City. It becomes available after completing Breaking News. To begin this case speak to Helen Bland at the Oakmont Chronicle.

Oakmont Chronicle[]

After speaking to Helen, Reed is told there is additional information in the editors office on the first floor. Once inside reed can examine the typewriter to obtain a document entitled 'The Old Golem's secret'

"The Old Golem on the corner of Bullock Street and Lockwood Lane, right on the border between Oldgrove and Reed Heights, is a prominent locale in Oakmont, owing to its varied menu, quaint atmosphere, and uncanny lack of competition in the past few decades. Amog the city's poorer populace, the legend goes that the restaurant's namesake, the statue of the Old Golem, holds the owning Bartosz family's cache of solid gold inside it. Klement Bartosz remains adamant the rumor is false, and laments the damage done to the statue as a result of the occasional visitor's tampering."

This document provides Reed with the address of his next destination: the Old Golem Restaurant

Old Golem Restaurant[]

Once inside the restaurant, Reed encounters the head waiter who is none too pleased to see Reed. After speaking to the waiter Reed can follow the omens downstairs, the omens lead reed to a padlocked door which can be broken, then down another set of stairs behind that door. The omens lead Reed to a box of silverware, examining a piece with his minds eye shows a vision of the head waiter stealing the silverware. A group of Stygians attack shortly afterwards. With this new information Reed can confront the head waiter and after a short conversation the waiter will allow Reed to investigate unimpeded. Reed can inspect the lock near the front door on the ground floor. Upstairs Reed can inspect a lamp on the floor, next to a tipped table, a silken handkerchief on the now empty pedestal, the crowbar on the same pedestal, and the pedestal itself. This will start a retrocognition sequence. 1.The theives entering the front door. 2. The thieves getting the golem off of the pedestal 3. The thieves carrying the golem, near the fallen lamp. From this Reed realizes that the thieves had keys to the front door. Reed can then ask the head waiter who all has keys to the door, he is informed that only Klement and Vilma Bartosz have keys. He also provides an address for their manor northern Oldgrove, on the corner of Goldbridge Rd and Windhalf Avenue

Bartosz Family Manor[]

Upon finding the house the front door is found to be unacessable, but there is a 'Note in small letters'

The front door's stuck, so you'd better use the back entrance. The key is behind the flowerpot. I expect you not to be late for your first day at work! As the household retainer, I cannot turn a blind eye to that. Mrs. Lebovits.

This informs reed where to find the necessary key, the flower pot is next to the back door. Upon entering, Reed encounters Mrs. Lebovits who mistakes Reed for the housekeeper mentioned in the note. Reed can also note the chair proped against the front door, making it inaccessible. Mrs. Lebovits gives Reed a series of errands: Arrange the books on the shelves, move the statuettes on the chimney piece, and put the plates on the dining room table. When arranging the books, reed finds a 'Letter to Vilma, unsigned', when examined with his minds eye, Reed sees a vision of a woman hiding the envelope.

"The heart of stone beats vividly at last Your eyes are cure to the Medusa's gaze My love will live, and when I turn to dust Like beacon will it shine in the eternal haze."

When arranging the items on the chimney piece, reed can examine a trophy with his minds eye, revealing a vision of a man preparing to hit the same woman from before with the trophy. Here he can also examine the plaque on the painting. The Czech chinaware can be found on the sink in the kitchen, Reed can then set the table. After completing all the chores Reed can once again speak to Mrs. Lebovits. She will provide another chore for Reed, to bring a create of fisk (fish) from the basement. In the basement there are several fish scattered on the ground, Upon examining one, Reed notes that it stinks and must have been dead long before the flood. After examining several wylebeasts attack. After the wylebeasts have been dealt with reed can find the crate, which is filled with rotten fish. When returning the create to Mrs. Lebovits, Reed is finally able to convince her that he is not the housekeeper. After a short conversation she offers Reed the key to Mr. Bartozs room and asks him to put it on the table when finished.

Upstairs, Reed finds the right-hand door to be blocked, but there is A note on the door

"Mrs Lebovits, make sure Vilma is not faffing around with her potter's wheel again. This is turning into an obsession. I need her to learn the restaurant trade, not spend her days making figurines and pots. If she is of no tractable spirit, you can lock her up again, the Key is in the usual hiding place in my room.

Using the key Mrs Lebovits gave him, Reed can enter the left hand room. Here he can inspect a framed photograph near the bed, on the back of which is a key. He can also read the journal on the desk entitled Out of Czech lands

Out of Czech lands: Memoirs of K. Bartosz "...So this is where it goes... America is a country of new opportunities, and Massachusetts will become my personal land of milk and honey. The hardest part was transporting the giant slab of old clay across the ocean, but my grandmother insisted I take this heirloom with me, and bless her soul she was right. For all these five hundred years it was gathering dust in our Prague manor, no one knew it actually had gold inside. Yes, a whole fortune in solid gold, that I fully intend to use to start my own restaruant here in Oakmont..."

Using his minds eye, Reed can also inspect the crack in the window between the two rooms, from this Reed sees a vision of Klement, peeping into Vilmas room. Key in hand Reed can now enter vilmas room. Here he can inspect the clay figurines on the table the book on the table at the end of the bed, and Vilma's diary On the bed.

Dear diary, it's finally happening. We're going to elope, just like in the movies! Every night that we danced away at the empty Old Golem, I've been dreaming of this moment. Glenn and his friends did not object to lugging a large statue all the way to his "base" in Grimhaven Bay. He needs money to pay his debts after all, and he'd rather have it before the police prove his guilt of housebreaking...

From here Reed needs to find out more about 'Glenn' and so Oakmont Police Department is the next destination.

Upon leaving he will run into the actual housekeeper, who seems to have gotten lost, here Reed can decide whether or not to tell him where the house is.

Oakmont Police Department[]

Using the archives at the police department (Crimes: Property Crimes, Subjects: Suspects, District: Grimhaven Bay) Reed receives Glenn Comb's profile

Name: Glenn Combs Alias: none Sex: male Age: 24 Residence: Oakmont, Mass., eastern Grimhaven Bay, Wharf St, between Tower St. and Clambay St. Suspected in: larceny, housebreaking. guilt has not been proven.

this gives Reed the address of his next destination: Glenn Comb's Hideout

Glenn Comb's Hideout[]

After entering the hideout, Reed can examine a hat on a makeshift table with his minds eye, this reveals a vision of two men locking Vilma upstairs then heading to the basement.

Upstairs, Reed can break the padlock on the door, there he can find Vilma. After a short conversation Reed can follow the omens to an illusory drawer, behind which is a key to the basement. Key in hand, Reed can then enter the locked room in the basement. There he finds three men and the golem, Reed can convince them that there is no gold in the Golem using the diary he found earlier. The men leave to 'drown their sorrows' in the pub. After they leave Vilma comes down and embraces the golem. The golem then seems to come to life. Reed can then speak to the golem and Vilma, Vilma asks him to keep her and the golem a secret.

With evidence gathered it is time to head back to the Chronicle.

Oakmont Chronicle[]

Here Reed has a choice of what kind of story to tell, He can choose to tell the truth, that the golem really did run away, or lie, and say it was just a statue.

If he chooses to lie he will be provided with another choice, to say whether or not there was any gold in it. And whether or not the golem is still there.
