The Sinking City Wiki

Bounty of the Sea is a side case in The Sinking City. It is obtained by talking to Vincent near the entrance to Oakmont port. The objective is to find and recover several Ships logs owned by Vincent for which he promises to financially compensate you.

Completing this quest rewards the player with the 'Fisherman' outfit.

Find "The Pride"[]


"The Pride"

The lost barge named "The Pride" was transporting a load of chemicals in metal barrels.

Its captain was extremely patriotic. More importantly, rumor says it was seen in southern Shells on Moorland Road near the intersection with Old Colony Street.

After the player gets to the area they will see The Pride, sporting several American flags. After docking at the barge A ship log from "The Pride" is found on a table made from two barrels. The empty chemical barrels can be examined as well. There is an innsmouther on the boat who does not want Reed on board the ship

"Get off my ship, you newcomer rat!" ― Innsmouther abord "The Pride"

After getting the log, return to Vincent to continue the case.

Clues about the "Red Queen"[]


The "Red Queen"

Vincent told me that the "Red Queen" crashed ashore in northern Coverside, north from the intersection of Seaside Street and Providence Avenue, near the Asylum. People whisper that the ship is cursed.

Vincent tried to inspect it himself, but was frightened and didn't come close.

After the Reed gets to the area he will need to go over a small stone wall, then they can see the "Red Queen" herself, along with a troubling number of wylebeasts. The "Red Queen" ship log is on top of a chest in front of the ship. The wall is only easily climbable in particular sections, an easy location to climb is a set of four trash cans closest to the asylum. Climb on these then the wall. The wylebeasts will only appear after Reed approaches the ship, it is possible to avoid conflict by grabbing the log then immediately leaving.

Clues about the "Skylark"[]


The "Skylark"

Vincent told me he met a hobo burning a box from the "Skylark". For a bullet, the hobo said he found it at the old harbor on Wharf Street in eastern Grimhaven Bay, between Tower Street and Clambay Street.

Of Course, it may have been brought there by the tide, but at least it's a place to start.

After reaching the location the player will see several boxes labeled 'Skylark', going further past those boxes you will eventually find the "Skylark" herself along with several armed and aggressive men. The "Skylark" ship log can be found on a small table near the ship. Note, although there are several armed people there take care to not accidentally kill innocent civilians as that will rapidly reduce sanity.
