'Breaking News' is a side case in The Sinking City that becomes available after completing Deal with the Devil. The case can only be started part-way through the following case Self Defense, once Reed is sent to the Oakmont Chronicle as part of that case.
It appears completing the side case Through the Looking Glass is a prerequisite for starting this case, as well as speaking with Robert Throgmorton after finishing the main story case Nosedive.
The Oakmont Chronicle[]
To start Helen asks Reed to find some files from the editor's office. It is located on the second floor. Once inside Reed can examine the skull on the chair, the map on the wall, a note on the window, the editors keys and the typewriter, reciving a paper entitled 'The Coverside Tiger'
There's a rumor of a tiger roaming Coverside, looking for prey. They say it escaped from the local zoo during the Flood, and was never recaptured. People are saying it's no ordinary beast, but some kind of skinwalker, or evil spirit. The residents of Coverside have reported hearing it roar at night. A man named Claude Hamilton claims to have seen the tiger in a damaged house. He was taken from the site of the accident by the doctors.
From here Reed will need to find more information, to learn more about this accident he will need to use the archives at Hospital of Saint Mary
Hospital of Saint Mary[]
Once here, Reed can use the archives to learn more about the accident (Subjects: Patients, Period: After the flood, District: Coverside) From this he receives a document entitled "Claude's Whereabouts"
Claude Hamilton. Worker from Coverside. Taken to the asylum showing strong signs of zoophobia. Claims he was attacked by a tiger and that it's still stalking him.
This leads him to the Oakmont State Asylum
Once at the Asylum Reed can speak to the receptionist, asking if the Tiger victim is there. He is informed that Claude is indeed there but hiding somewhere. Claude can be found behind the reception desk, to the right. Talk to him. Claude believes there is a tiger in the asylum, Reed needs to persuade him that there is no tiger. To do this reed needs to find the cause of the scratches on the floor, and the loud roaring, then take photographs of them. To find the sources of the roar Reed heads downstairs, at the bottom of the stairs is a wheelchair that seems to have been scratching the floor. thPast Bethany Throgmortons old room, to the right, and finds a boiler making the noise.
From here Reed can return to Claude and show him what he found. After calming him Reed asks for more information and gets the address of the attack. southern Coverside, east from the crossroad of Lincoln St and Landing Ave.
Abandoned Factory[]
After arriving at the abandoned factory Reed discovers it is filled with KKK paraphanalia. Reed can inspect the set of robes on the couch by the entrance, hoods on the floor next to some chairs, torture tools on the table at the back. Blood on the mattresses on the floor, and the handbag on the other mattress, using his Mind's Eye Reed sees a vision of Claude beating a woman to prove he is loyal to the clan. A Weird Unearthly statue can be picked up from on top of the crates in the middle of the room.
Downstairs Reed finds what looks like a meeting room for the Klan. There is a 'Klansman speech plan' on the altar at the back
Brothers! Today is a great (crossed out) day of celebration for our cause! Our new member (crossed out) neophyte Claude Hamilton has joined us - a decent and capable man, ready to fight for those wishing to destroy the sacred (crossed out) order issued by Kay itself...
There is an illusory wall, behind which is a large room with several statues on the walls, with pedestals in front of them. Examining them with his mind's eye shows a vision of strange idols. The rest of the area is blocked off by a mysterious barrier.
On his way upstairs there is 'a warning note' on the wooden boxes on the stairs
As you constantly forget our benefactor's goodwill, and bring tash upstairs, the second floor will now be closed. Only use the first floor, and don't even think about trying to jimmy the lock!
After climbing the stairs the he finds the door already open, with claw marks on it and the lock on a nearby chair, both the front and back of the lock can be examined. Next to the hole in the floor a megaphone and a dark stain can be examined. An Otherworldly Figurine can be picked up from the shelf on the wall. A claw can be found on the desk, Using his minds eye, reed sees a vision of a man using a claw-like apparatus to scratch the table, this claw falling off. He can also examine the can of shoe polish. This begins a retrocognition sequence. 1. Man entering the door upstairs 2. Man preparing upstairs at the desk 3. KKK members bringing a prisoner in downstairs 4. KKK members fleeing
With both the Otherworldly Statue and the Otherworldly Figurine Reed can head back down to the basement behind the illusory wall, after placing each one on the corresponding pedestal the strange barrier dissapears and an Acheronian will appear. (This fight can be largely trivialized by running to the top of the stairs and climbing on top of the boxes). After clearing the way Reed can find what looks like a stone altar in the previously blocked area. on which are several boxes of ammunition, a 'Moss-covered manuscript'
The one Whispering in the dark, hear our prayers! We kneel to your will, bring you obedience. Bless us! We exhaust ourself with prayers, we ask, we plead! What do you want? What else should we do We grew gardens and burned them. We built boats and let them sink. We went in the waters and sunk there and came back. We loved and sacrificed whom we loved. Grant us signs, grant us knowledge of your wishes! We bow our knees and open all doors, because you are the Door and the Key and what is beyond!
From here Reed needs to find more information on the 'Real Coverside Tiger' During the retrocognition sequence the 'tiger' mentioned not wanting to be caught again by the police. So the Oakmont Police Department and their archives is the next destination
Oakmont Police Department[]
Using the Police Archive (Subjects: suspects, Evidence: Instruments of Crime, District: Coverside) reed obtains Michael Robertson's profile
Name: Michael Robertson Alias: Mockingbird Sex: male Age: 21 Residence: southern Coverside, Derry Lane, between Roosevelt and Lincoln Streets. Occupation: Voice actor in Drunken Ship cinema, unemployed after the Flood. Suspected of: burglary, housebreaking, public nuisance. Used his uncanny vocal talent to scare victims. Granted early release.
This provides Reed with both a name and an address for the 'tiger', Michael Robertson's Home is the next destination
Michael Robertson's Home[]
Upon entering the building the only accessable door on the bottom floor is locked. Michaels room is at the end of the hall upstairs. Inside reed can examine the items on the table with his mind's eye, the film reels on the shelf, the various posters on the walls in the next room, the book next to the bed, and the 'Court order' on the desk
By the decision of the Oakmont Court, and the recommindation of prison officer Whessley, you are freed from incarceration in the Oakmont city Jail. As a condition of your parole, you must not leave your house after 10pm. Every week, you will report to officer Whessley regarding your whereabouts, work and behavior. You are forbidden from owning firearms, participating in demonstrations, and having a pet.
In the other locked room there are two armed men who will become hostile upon entering. In this room Reed can examine the book on the desk Don't bother the lad
I know you are bored of hiding here, but stop bullying that lad next door. He told us about the wylebeasts downstairs, the ones that make all those strange sounds. The police have eyes on hi, so keep quiet and stop your stupid jokes, ya follow?
The downstairs room (accessable through a hole in the floor in Michaels room) has another hole in the ground leading to the basement. There is a table of shoe polish, tiger costume, and claw aparratus that can be examined then photographed. There are also several newspapers on a nearby table and wall that can be examined. In the next room over there is a table of trophy's (Klan hoods, strange idols, books and knives) that can also be examined and photographed. In the course of examining these things Reed will hear a tiger roar. He heads back upstairs and back to Michaels room, he will need to go through the other upstairs room as the main door is now locked. Reed can then talk to Michael.
Having obtained his interview with the tiger Reed can return to the Chronicle.
Back to the Oakmont Chronicle[]
Here Reed will need to make a choice on what story to give, either lie and talk about the tiger attack on the Klansmen, or tell the truth about the tiger.
If Reed decided to lie he will have an additional choice of how to present it, either as a legend or an over-the-top take of a voodo-werebeast.