Caleb Lyons is a character in The Sinking City.
Caleb Lyons is the captain of the Oakmont Police Department, and although uncooperative and distrustful to Charles W. Reed, he lets him use police archives.
Capt. Lyons first appears when Reed visits the Oakmont Police Department to use the archives. He confronts with Reed, showing disrespect and envy for his quick resolution of Albert Throgmorton's disappearance and death, who has put the local police in a bad light. He threatens Reed, warning him that if he ever does something near to illegality, he will be treated like other "criminals", stating that he isn't welcome.
He appears shortly only to remark his aversion towards Reed, recently released under murder charge. He state that is only thanks to Carpenters' influence that he was released, and he hope in his execution, also criticizing the barely legal actions of Reed (using weapons, violating properties etc.) and the logic being those.
Into the Depths[]
Capt. Lyons appears in Reed's visions when he move close to Cthygonnaar, where he's showed leading a police raid on some Innsmouthers, beaten and killed by his agents, while his words about "criminals" echos into Reed's mind.
Despite his few appearances, Capt. Lyons appears as a strong-built harsh man, stern, diffident and reserved, showing xenophobic attitudes to "newcomers" like Reed, Innsmouthers and other immigrants. It's possible that he was bribed by the Carpenters, for example when letting Reed leaving his prison cell without objection, only threatening him for his conduct. However, he was at least efficient in managing the disorders caused by the Flood, containing and isolating infested areas with strong barricades, and keeping his eyes on the EOD, most probably because of its large Innsmouther membership.
- Caleb almost looks like Officer Ethan Bradley from the game Call of Cthulhu, he is easily recognized for having a scar on his left cheek created by Cat Baker.