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The Sinking City Wiki

Courier's Final Destination is a location in The Sinking City.


Courier's Final Destination is the last known location of a courier whom Charles Reed is asked to locate during the course of Fathers and Sons

It is a brick building with a wooden upper floor. It is located near the infested area in west Grimhaven Bay.

Ground Floor[]

In the main area is a covered truck, next to which is a stack of doors, on which are some Shell Casings. Next to the stairway heading downstairs there is a locker which can be looted.

Upper Floor[]

The doorway at the top of the stairs is barricaded but can easily be broken using the Shovel. On the top floor there will be at least one lethian. Behind the stiarway there is a cupboard which can be looted. In the office on the desk there is a briefcase that can be looted. On a desk in between the office and the hole in the ground there is some Gunpowder.


In the basement, like the ground floor, the walls are filled with canned goods. At the base of the stairway there are some marks on the ground which can be examined. Following those marks there is a blood spatter on the ground which can be examined. Past that, on a crate there is a can of gasoline whose cap can be examined, and at the back of the room there is a charred skeleton chained to a pole which can be examined. To the left of the skeleton is a locker which can be looted. In the other section of the basement (near the large tarp) there is a locker which can be looted. Near that there is a wall marked with the "Grid" sign this is an illusory wall. Inside this room is what appears to be a small still on a table, next to that there is a whiskey crate which can be picked up. At the back of the room there is a footlocker which can be looted.

Related Cases[]

  • Fathers and Sons


  • Shell Casings (ground floor, next to truck)
  • Locker (ground floor, next to top of stairs leading to basement)
  • Cupboard (upper floor, behind stairway)
  • Briefcase (upper floor, on desk in office)
  • Gunpowder (upper floor, on desk between office and hole in the floor)
  • Locker (basement, back of room, left of the skeleton)
  • Locker (basement, behind large tarp covered item)
  • Footlocker (basement, behind illusory wall, back of room)