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Coverside is a district of Oakmont in The Sinking City
[additional info required] Before the Flood, Coverside was an urban residential neighborhood in the city of Oakmont, MA with a small business district. The general atmosphere of Coverside is one of despair, [additional info required] The local population is made up roughly equally of native Oakmonters and displaced Insmouthers [additional info required]
Coverside is located in the southwestern section of Oakmont. Marcussen Street makes up its northern border with Oldgrove, Old Colony street, its southern border with Grimhaven Bay, Mayflower Street, its western border with The Shells, and Ambrose St and Chacc Road, making its northwestern border with Advent.
Notable Locations[]
- Devil's Reef Hotel
- Oakmont Police Department
- The Oakmont Chronicle
- Hospital of St. Mary
- Oakmont State Asylum
Important Locations[]
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Other Locations[]
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- Coverside Park
- This unnamed park is located in the center of
Streets in Coverside[]
- Almond St.
- Basset St.
- Central St.
- Derry Ln.
- Dunsany Ln.
- Howard St.
- Hubert St.
- Landing St.
- Mayflower St.
- Old Church Rd.
- Seaside St.
- St. Elmo Ln.
- Victory Ln.
- Warwick St.
- Asher Rd.
- Chacc Rd.
- Eimcroft Rd.
- Freedom Ave.
- Kingsport St.
- Lincoln St.
- Marcussen St.
- Old Colony St.
- Orchard Ave.
- Providence Ave.
- Roosevelt St.
Unnamed Roads and Alleyways[]
- Hospital Entrance Road
- This unnamed road runs for one block, between Roosevelt St. and Lincoln St.; it is completely unflooded.
- The entrance to the Hospital of St. Mary is on the left of this road, and Coverside's small neighborhood park is on its right.
- Derry Lane Alley
- This small alleyway, to the right of the northern terminus of Derry Ln. at Asher St. is unmarked on the map
Notable Inhabitants[]
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- Helen Bland, editor of the Oakmont Chronicle
- Doctor Grant, chief of medicine for the Hospital of St. Mary
- Capt. Caleb Lyons, commander of the Coverside Precinct
Case Appearances[]
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Main Case[]
Side Cases[]
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- The district is cut in thirds by flooded streets, and access to the Hotel is either by boat or the fast travel point in front.