The Sinking City Wiki

Daryl Grimes is a character in The Sinking City.

Daryl Grimes is an Innsmouther working as a security guard for the EOD, stationed at their fish storage warehouse which Charles Reed investigates during the Quid Pro Quo case.

Daryl whittles wooden toy boats for the children at Oakmont's orphanage, an activity that kept him distracted enough not to hear an intruder until they knocked over a pallet. On his work table, you can find a Letter from the orphanage reading :

"Dear Mr Grimes,

We can't thank you enough for what you do for the children. In these dark times, your toys go down like a tall glass of water. We all pray for your good health every day. We also kindly remind you that we still await your visit ! All our staff (and of course, the children) are eager to finally meet our benefactor in person. So please don't hesitate, and come as soon as you are able.


One of Daryl's unfinished toys

With eternal gratitude;

Administration of Oakmont's St. Jerome's orphanage"

It is probable that Daryl hasn't answered to the invitation because of his Innsmouth descent, scared of the stereotypes around it.

He chased the intruder out of the storage with a harpoon but wasn't quick enough to prevent some of the stocks being poisoned. He is afraid of the consequences if the EOD finds out about his distraction.

He feels guilty, and even if you do not denounce him to the EOD, he will punish himself by guarding the place for a month straight. Reed can also convince Daryl to leave the city if the player decides to poison the fish for Cavendish.


  • "May the sea bless/protect you."
  • (Reed tells him about the poisoning) "Kay, this is horrible. Please don't tell Anna it was my fault, or she'll have me quartered !"
  • (Reed tells him he has to say it was his fault) "Kay... All these people might suffer because I... because I... Do what you must Mr Reed."
  • (Reed asks him if he can't leave town to avoid punishment) "You don't understand, Mr Reed. You can't hide from your own conscience."