Devil's Reef Hotel is a location within Coverside in The Sinking City.
The Devil's Reef Hotel is the hotel where Charles Reed is staying during his trip to Oakmont.
Reed ends up there after fainting while leaving the harbor. The owner threatens to kick him out if he hears any more moaning and trashing, which Charles doesn't remember doing. His room stands out thanks to the plaque with his name on it.
The player can enter into different rooms to loot them.
It is by talking to the owner that you can get the quest Letters from Oakmont.
Reed can find a document entitled Note about the hobo signs on a table on the bottom floor and a letter entitled To my dear nephew behind the bar.
Occupied Rooms[]
Charles Reed's Room[]
Inside Charles' room, you can find a picture of his old Navy crew, the laudanum he uses to try and lessen his visions, his diary describing the terrible treatment he's been subjected to at the asylum, some newspapers depending on the current events, his wardrobe where the player can choose different styles, and his soldier tag reading :
All that we see or seem is just a dream within a dream.
Book Collector's Room[]
The desperate occupant of this room, located across the hall and to the right from Reed's, is on the run from unspecified "vile forces" who
Raymond's Room[]
During the quest Fleeing Phoenix, Reed interrogates the owner about a debt letter he found during his investigation. He then asks about a certain Raymond, and the owner says he had been staying in the room right next to Charles'. Posted on the outside door frame of this room is a note entitled 'Keep it down'
The Investigator's Room[]
Too many Coincidences
So the lighthouse is out - several ships have gottten lost at sea, and soe are now decorating the city's beaches. That's one thing. but now there's an enterprising fellow at the city port hiring salvagers to recover ships. He's turning a tidy profit from selling them. Can't be a coincidence - need to look into it. Now, if only this city wasn't so impossible to navigate.