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Field Research is a side case given by the doctor at the Hospital of St. Mary. He asks you to go to several locations and learn about wylebeasts. The quest is in two parts. It is recommended to do the second part of the case once you have bigger guns, like the shotgun.

Part 1[]

Former Patient's Shop : Stygians[]

Doctor grant asked Charles Reed to visit the shop of a patient of his in central Salvation Harbor on Windheim Street, south of Polaris Road.

Once he arrives at the Former Patient's Shop he is attacked by several Stygians. There is a strange melody to be heard and a line of bloody prints leading to a hole in the ground. At the origin of the prints, behind the counter is some bloody bedding and a journal entitled Shop owner's notes.

Looking at the counter Reed sees implements that the patient had been using to self-medicate. The omens lead Reed downstairs, on a table opposite the stairs he finds a letter entitled Hospital response.

Downstairs Reed finds the patient had hung himself, leaving behind a Suicide note

Infected Man's House : Lethians[]

Doctor Grant requests that Reed look into the circumstances of a man named Jim Bells who died and turned into a monsterous creature. That man lived in northern Salvation Harbor, on Moorland Road between Higgs Land and Benevolent Tides Rd.

After arriving at the Infected Man's Residence Reed faces several Lethians. On the ground floor he finds a large hole in the floor with puddles of blood nearby. On a small bedside table he finds a diary entitled Lis' secret book!. Using his Mind's Eye on a blood mark on the other bed Reed sees a Lethian regurgitating slime onto a woman

Upstairs, Reed faces several other Lethians which erupt from slime on the ground. After facing them he finds pieces of clothing near the slime from which the Lethians appeared. On the kitchen table he notices some very old, uneaten food.

Using retrocognition Reed discovers that the Lethians came from the basement and infected the family. After some time the family became Lethians.

Part 2[]

Restaurant : Cocitians[]

Doctor Grant askes Reed to investigate restaurant called the "Count Ungolino" in eastern Reed Heights, on Willow Lane between Herald Street and Bullock Street

Upon arriving he is immediately attacked by several Cocitians of different varieties. After dealing with them he is free to investigate. On a table he finds an advertisment entitled Staff needed. He also finds a Formal invitation letter on the bar, inviting Robert Throgmorton to the reopening of the restaurant. Upstairs he finds a newspaper article entitled Mysterious disappearance on a table near the fire.

On the ground floor, behind the bar Reed finds a trail of blood leading to the basement and a bloody hammer on the counter. Following the trail downward he finds more blood along with several knives and a saw on the table. The trail leads to a small tub full of viscera and limbs. In the next room he finds Chef Arman cutting apart someone with a knife, he will become aggressive as soon as he notices reed. On the table with the body reed finds a Recipe for human meat. To the right of the table there are several bowls on the ground with body parts in them. using his minds eye Reed sees that the chef was feeding the beasts and even calling them his patrons. On a desk he finds a note entitled Anthropophagia.

After returning to the Doctor, the Doctor suggests that these creatures were once men, changed into these creatures by participating in cannibalism.

Closed shop : Acheronians[]

Doctor Grant askes Reed to investigate a shop on Ward Street in western Reed Heights, between Bourbon Road and Sam Reed Street. A looter tried to shoplift there and was attacked by a huge wylebeast.

Upon entering the Abandoned Shop Reed is immediatelly attacked by an Acheronian. After dealing with the beast he is free to investigate. On the counter on the ground floor he finds a Cultist letter offering a neophyte a chance to join "the inner circle".

Next to a basement access point Reed finds a set of bags covered in slime, that slime is also found on the ground in a path down the accessway. The basement stairway door is broken and on the ground, also covered in slime. Downstairs reed finds a book entitled Mother's Grace on a desk. There are many more bags with the slime downstairs investigate the pile in the left hand room. Then, using retrocognition, he discovers that a cult, apparently worshiping The Fecund Mother brought down many corpses and they merged together to become the Acheronian.

Reporting to the doctor[]

As you report your findings, you fill your Bestiary with Westerbrook's Guide pages, containing the professor's assumptions and observations. You also get several rewards including the Plague Doctor costume.
