The Sinking City Wiki
The Sinking City Wiki

The Flood is an event in The Sinking City, It is a devastating natural disaster that beset the secluded coastal city of Oakmont, Massachusetts in 1920. Its arrival coincided with the propagation of disturbing visions featuring a sinking city and an indescribable presence looming over it; although the visions have afflicted many people elsewhere, they are most common and pronounced in Oakmont since the Flood. In addition, nightmarish creatures called Wylebeasts that aggressively attack have appeared, drawn to scenes of death. Pockets of Oakmont have been designated Infested Areas and been abandoned, though the local police have been able to contain their spread with some success.

For six months, the Flood has persisted with no sign of ever abating. Oakmont was completely severed from the mainland, creating a resource shortage that caused the value of the dollar to collapse and bullets to become the preferred currency. Only one ship, the Charon, still travels between Oakmont and the mainland, ferrying newcomers who were driven to Oakmont by their visions. A number of Oakmont's streets have also been perpetually submerged, and small motor boats have replaced cars as the most convenient way to travel within the city. Despite the many hardships brought by the Flood, normal life in Oakmont struggles on, after a fashion: preparations are underway for an upcoming mayoral election, The Oakmont Chronicle continues printing new issues, the police maintain a semblance of order, and the two remaining Grand Families still hold the city's reins.

Most recently, Robert Throgmorton of the Throgmorton Grand Family has organized a deep sea expedition headed by his son, Albert Throgmorton, to find the source of the Flood. The expedition embarked to investigate the seabed surrounding Oakmont, but failed to return.
