The Sinking City Wiki

Functional Brain Cylinders is a side case in The Sinking City. This case begins upon finding any one of the brain cylinders. These can be completed in any order, and each leads to another cyclically 1->2->3->4->5->6->1.


This cannister is found at Northern Coverside, crossroad of Warwick Street and Asher Road, an infested area that appears to have once been a market. The cylinder is on a small stand under an illusory animal skull. You will likely need to clear the Wylebeasts in order to dispel the illusion.

Traveler: W. Whateley. Visited: Yuggoth. Next visit: Andromeda. Status: Ready for the trip. Next address: Calmshore Street, between Ocean Drive and Skipper Road, western Salvation Harbor.

Notes: Had to copy this form, the original was lost. Remind me, why do we still use these silly papers? Crystals are much more effective.


This Cylinder is located at Calmshore Street, between Ocean Drive and Skipper Road, western Salvation Harbor, an abandoned house with an illusory wall just inside the partially boarded up door. There is a Acheronian inside the house. The cannister is upstairs on a chair at a table with an in-progress card game on it. There are several illusory walls in this area.

Traveler: E. Waite. Visited: Yuggoth, Gamma Tauri, Xi Hydrae. Next visit Yuggoth. Status: Active. Ready for the trip. Next address: Pearl Lane, south of the intersection of Maple Lane and Deepshore Road, in west Grimhaven Bay.

Notes: This one is tough! Didn't expect that someone on Earth could withstand the aura on Xi Hydrae.


This Cylinder is located at Pearl Lane, south of the intersection of Maple Lane and Deepshore Road, in west Grimhaven Bay., An abandoned factory with several wylebeasts inside. The cylinder can be found downstairs behind an illusory wall next to coffin

Traveler: J. Curwen. Visited: - Next visit: Yuggoth. Status: Ready for the trip but additional checks recommended. Next address: Crimson Road, between Silver Road and Swift Mercy Street, western Salvation Harbor.

Notes: I'll bet you anything he's not going to make it!

Upstairs at this location there is a note:

There's something wrong with Mr. Murphy. He started whispering instead of yelling at us like usual. No one saw him eating or even moving from his wheelchair. We're working at night from now on. Some snup thing killed Mr. Murphy, cut his head and arms, left them in the corner! Several workers have also disappeared. Relatives say they didnt return from work yesterday morning. I don't want to think about this, but Mr. Murph's remnants have already started to rot. And I spoke with him just yesterday. Or it wasn't Mr. Murphy?


This cannister is found at Crimson Road, between Silver Road and Swift Mercy Street, western Salvation Harbor., A basement in an infested area. The cannister can be found behind an illusory wall, on a table with a large book and several bones.

Traveler: C.D. Ward. Visited: Moonbase. Next visit: Alpha Ursa Minor. Status: New device added. Ready for the trip. Next address: Warren Road, between Westshore Street and Hawking Lane, In The Shells west.

Notes: No, I didn't lose this one. See? It's in the right place and the right time.


This Cylinder is found at Warren Road, between Westshore Street and Hawking Lane, In The Shells west, a partially boarded up house in an infested area. The cylinder is located upstairs, behind several illusory walls on a desk next to a typewriter.

Traveler H. West. Visited: - Next visit Moonbase. Status: Restored. Ready for the trip. Next Address: A junkyard near the crossroad of Higgs Land and Ambrose Street, in central Shells.

Notes: Are you serious? It's not his first try. He's not gonna make it. Deal with it.


This cannister is found at A junkyard near the crossroad of Higgs Land and Ambrose Street, in central Shells. an infested area with a sign reading "The Boneyard" It is located on a tall chair next to a painting on an easel.

Traveler R. Pickman. Visited:- Next visit: Epsilon Tauri. Status: Ready for the trip. Next address: Northern Coverside, crossroad of Warwick Street and Asher Road.

Notes: Does anyone have any copies of his paintings? Want one. Or two.
