Graham Carpenter is the son of Brutus Carpenter, head of the Carpenter Grand Family in Oakmont.
Soft-spoken and seemingly kind, Graham is a veteran of the Great War. The right side of his face is concealed beneath an uncanny prosthetic mask, which he wears at all times. He expresses great interest in helping the people of Oakmont, and is on the record as disapproving of his father's past methods. Though well-intentioned, he seems nervous in his new role.
Graham is encountered during the mission Fathers and Sons.
While investigating the attempted assassination of crime boss Brutus Carpenter, Reed discovers that the Carpenter family has been distributing its supplies to the populace, under order of their new head, Graham Carpenter. Reed later meets with him, under guise of discussing a theft he uncovered. Graham comes across as mild-mannered, and deeply concerned for the less fortunate of Oakmont. He voices his awareness of his family's responsibility to them, even encouraging Reed to offer the thief aid. This impression of goodness is only strengthened by the evidence found in his office; he fought in the War, where he was disfigured while protecting another soldier. Despite this apparent strength of character, he becomes noticeably uncomfortable when questioned about his father--a copy of whom can be found in Brutus' office.
While investigating the cult that Brutus was dealing with prior to his "death," Reed discovers the truth: Graham is behind the assassination attempt. At this point, Reed can interpret the evidence two ways: either Graham is a good man, intending to turn his family on a better path, or he is a puppet of the cult. From here, he can decide whether to side with one of them.
If Reed sides with Brutus:
Reed returns to Brutus with a letter from Graham addressed to the cult, implicating him in the take-down. Brutus is shocked, having believed his son incapable of such measures. No further action is necessary; he promises to handle it himself, eschewing the details. Graham is not seen again.
If Reed sides with Graham:
Reed confronts Graham about his attempted assassination, and questions his motives. Graham reveals that his intention is to help Oakmont--a feat he cannot accomplish with his father in power--and convinces Reed to finish the job. Reed returns to Brutus' safe house and takes care of him and his men, then reports back to Graham, who expresses remorse, both for the deaths and roping Reed into helping him. He agrees to smuggle the informant out of the city, and thanks him for his help.
- A photo found in his office implies that van der Burg may have been responsible for his survival and recovery.
- Graham's injury can be seen by Reed in a vision, if Fathers and Sons is completed by siding with Brutus. His face is badly scarred and his right eye has been reduced to a socket. His specter hands Reed the prosthetic mask before it vanishes.

Graham Carpenter model by Yura Sholudchenko (Artstation)