The Sinking City Wiki

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The Grand Families of Oakmont, Massachusetts are the city's three most prominent and influential families.

Blackwood Carpenter Throgmorton
Details The Blackwood Grand Family vanished after the onset of the Flood six months ago, and have not been seen since. Before then, the Blackwoods provided aid and protection for the refugee Innsmouthers settling in Oakmont. The Carpenter Grand Family is headed by the elderly Brutus Carpenter, who seeks to acquire immortality. The Throgmorton Grand Family is known for its members' distinct, ape-like physical traits, which first manifested in Robert Throgmorton. Robert insists his father married into royalty, and that he and his offspring represent humanity's evolutionary future.
Address Blackwood Manor Carpenter Manor Throgmorton Manor
Current Patriarch Unknown (missing) Brutus Carpenter Robert Throgmorton
Heirs Unknown (missing) Graham Carpenter Albert Throgmorton
Other Members Ebernote Blackwood Hammond Throgmorton