The Sinking City Wiki

Mirror-maker's house is a location within Oldgrove in The Sinking City


Mirror-maker's house is a large white painted, wood-sided house in northern Oldgrove. It has a brick and wrought iron fence surrounding it. It can be entered by both front and back doors. It has two floors and a basement.

Ground floor[]

The ground floor is in much rougher shape than the majority of other homes in Oldgrove, there is water on the floor, several walls have been destroyed and portions of the ceiling seem to be collapsing. Next to the front entryway is a lootable trunk. The main room is largely empty, the side room has a stack of envelopes on the table which can be examined.

"These have been here a while" Charles Reed

The wall next to the table is illusory, behind it is a small table which is inside a circle of some kind, on this table is a tiny coffin and a mirror on a red pillow. Examining this will reveal Omens which will lead Reed to the basement. On the dining room table there are some Antipsychotics and a newspaper article entitled Eligible Bachelor

First Floor[]

The first floor is in just as poor shape as the ground floor, with large sections of the floor replaced with planks of wood and a large plant growing in the center. In the first area there is a grand piano, next to which is a trunk which can be looted. To the right of the trunk is an entrance with a fallen statue. Inside this room is a large stack of books and newspapers which can be examined

"Somebody's been doing their homework" ― Charles Reed

On a nearby mattress (near the tipped bed) is an Occult tome, next to which is a First aid kit. In the next room over are a great many newspapers. On an easel near the back of the room is a newspaper that says "...the biggest mirror exhibition in the history of Oakmont, including master Randall's finest creations." The bulletin board above the desk can be examined as well "... his manor into a museum of vintage mirrors, collected over many decades."

Basement 1[]

This room is partially overgrown and has most of its items shoved into the corner. One of these items is a lootable trunk.

Basement 2[]

The floor of this level is flooded, and the walls overgrown. Around the first corner is what appears to be a mostly empty room, but if Reed is following the omens or uses his Mind's Eye he will find the illusory wall at the back. This leads to another flooded room which connects to a stone floored section. Inside this section there is a stone altar on which is a tiny casket and a photograph, both of which can be examined. Behind the altar is a pillar surrounded with an occult sign on the floor on this pillar is a mirror which can also be examined. (note, standing near this mirror causes constant sanity drain.). The last section of the basement is a brick section with several pipes and boxes, nothing of note.


  • Trunk (ground floor, near the front entrance.)
  • Antipsychotics (ground floor, dining room table)
  • Trunk (first floor, near the piano)
  • First aid kit (first floor, near the overturned bed)
  • Trunk (basement 1, at the bottom of the stairs)

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