The Sinking City Wiki

Mystic Tomes is a side case available in The Sinking City. You acquire it from reading a letter entitled A plea for help found in your room in the Devil's Reef while owning the Worshippers of the Necronomicon (DLC). It directs you to the room across the hall, where you find 7 notes leading to books around Oakmont.

Starting The Case[]

This Side Case mission can be activated as soon as the player wakes up in their hotel room at the beginning of the second Main Case, Lost at Sea. There will be a letter sitting on the desk (directly across from the foot of the bed) addressed to Charles Reed.

The Book Collector's Letter[]

This letter, written by a collector of arcane literature and address directly to Reed

All entries in this section of the Lore tab come from addresses given during the collection mission (included in the Worshippers of the Necronomicon (DLC). This side mission becomes available near the beginning of "Lost at Sea", after the protagonist finds a letter from a distressed fellow inhabitant of the Devil's Reef Hotel on the desk in their hotel room.

The Whereabouts of the Research Notes[]

The Book Collector's research notes are all located in the hotel room across and to the right from Reed's makeshift office. They are placed as follows:

  • On the bulletin board to the right of the entryway Tome in the ruins and Book in the bank
  • On the chair facing the boarded window: The Hidden Book
  • On the floor next to the Mattress: Waiting Book
  • On the table to the left of the entryway The Nightmares and The Tome of the Mair
  • On the desk: Bewitched tome
  • On the wall to the side of the desk: The Wheel Tome

Finding the Mystic Tomes[]

Bewitched Tome[]

The local legends may be more than mere superstition. A dozen witches were hanged on a huge apple tree that still grows near the cider mill.
Among these documents is a confession: one of the witches said the devil himself granted them a book with words of power. This book hides itself from mortal eyes, waiting for the witches to be reborn and return to reclaim it.
The witch who wrote this confession lived in eastern Reed Heights, somewhere north of the intersection between Communion Road and Museum Avenue. Could the book still be hidden there?

The Bewitched Tome, is found in eastern Reed Heights, at the far end of the northernmost stretch of Communion Rd., (north of Museum Ave.,) in front of the rusted remains of a gray coupe. Beside the rear of the car lies what appears to be the naked corpse of a woman, but is, in fact, an appendage of the gargantuan abomination that guards the ancient volume. To battle the creature, this area has many explosive barrels between the entrance and the creature; one strategy is simply to run in the opposite direction once the creature roars to create distance, then target the explosive barrels near the creature, the barrels severely damage the creature, it takes 3-4 good hits from explosive barrels to defeat it. After defeating the creature the tome will appear near the car where the creature was initially found, floating in the air, surrounded by mystic symbols.

The Hidden Book[]


The exterior of the building where The Hidden Book can be found

It took a lot of effort to track down this book. After being stolen from the Throgmorton museum, it was bought by a local surgeon who was found dead in his house after the Flood.
I snuck in and checked out his place, but in vain. Still, there is somewhere else the tome may be. The private hospital in western Reed Heights where the surgeon worked has been abandoned. The archives say it is on Bourbon Road, between Innsmouth Road and Oak Street.

The Hidden Book resides in Western Reed Heights, on Bourbon Road between Innsmouth Road and Oak Street in an empty hospital on the walled off third floor. It is strongly recommend to have 1-3 grenades prior to locating the tome as there are significant Wylebeasts preasent including an acheronian. To reach the tome, located on the third floor, the player must climb a bunk bed on the second floor up through the ceiling. There is a defunct operating room on the top floor with a covered body. Staring at the body using Reed's mind's eye will dispel the illusion revealing the Dhol Chants tome.

The location of the Dhol Chants prior to dispelling the illusion

Tome in the Ruins[]


Exterior view of the location of the "Tome in the Ruins"

Local women were talking about a ruined house in central Coverside, near the radio tower on the crossing of Landing Avenue and Kingsport Street.
They said the ghosts of the house owner and his family still read the unholy book they kept. Several newcomers who have tried to settle in those ruins have gone mad.

The Tome in the Ruins is on the edge of an Infested Zone, near the radio tower in Central Coverside. Going north on Landing Ave, at the Corner of Kingsport St., the player will approach an Infested Zone Barrier, the building itself is easily identifiable by the large swirl sign on it. The tome is on the second floor and is most easily reached by climbing the barricade to the second level, then entering through the hole in the wall on the second floor, there is an illusory wall on the second floor which will need to be dispelled. There, the player will see several skeletons seemingly frozen in time, surrounded by cackling electric energy, with the book (Cassildas Song) in the center. Grabbing the book retrieves it. Players should note that the ruined house has two entrances: the ground floor by jumping over the rail, and a second floor opening in the wall. The ground floor is infested with Wylebeasts and the second floor cannot be reached from this level.

Cassildas Song

Book in the Bank[]


The Bank of Arkham Exterior

Talking with locals is never easy, but this old chap was one of the queerest yet.
He was happy to talk about the book, but only laughed when I proposed to buy it. "I left it in the most guarded place of the city, and paid enough to keep it there until the world ends. And if it is abandoned after the Flood, even better, Ignorance is the best guardian."
I'm guessing he meant the abandoned bank building in northern Advent, on Forefathers Street between Healog Street and Windhalf Avenue. Alas, it would be too dangerous to go there by myself.

The Book in the Bank, found in the Bank of Oakmont, is in an infested zone; if possible, enter the infested Zone from the west (closer to the fast travel point), as there is a stash box next to the Infested Zone's entrance and it is close to the Bank. Once inside, several waylebeasts will spawn on the various floors. They will attack the player immediately, so the player can search freely once they are clear. In the basement of the bank is the safety deposit storage lockers; one of these will be open with a black urn inside. Using Reed's Mind's Eye will pierce the illusion and reveal the Commoriom tome.


The Tome of the Mair[]


The boat on which the Tome of the Mair can be found

The fishermen talk of a place near the Blackwood Manor, on the southern part of Whisper Street, where meetings occur in the dead of night. The locals don't like this part of eastern Grimhaven Bay, because they seem to fear those who gather near the half-built ships.
They say a certain book is read at these meetings. a cursed tome that makes people so crave the sea's touch that they go and drown in the ocean.
The one reading the book stands on a cursed boat that sinks in the fog. Those who saw it touch the shore have either gone mad or disappeared.

The Tome of the Mair is located in Eastern Grimhaven Bay, on the southern part of Whisper Street. The player can approach from the shoreline by going around Blackwood Manor's perimeter or by cutting through an infested area on Marsh St. The ship is visible on the map (being the most eastern ship visible) and is easy to spot. The masts will have glowing markings and the ship itself will cackle with visible electricity. Two skeletons are in the center propping up what appears to be an ancient artifact. Using mind's eye on this artifact will dispel the illusion and reveal the Book of Dagon.

The Book of Dagon

The Wheel Tome[]

I had a dream so real it still makes my hands shake. A huge ferris wheel rose amidst the city. People got on and rode it higher and higher before jumping off at its peak. As the pile of corpses grew bigger, the crowd pushed me to the wheel.
And then I saw a man with a leather bag. He was standing in the centre of the wheel, and reading from a book. His awful dirge was making the wheel rotate, and dragging the crowd to their slaughter.
Could this vision be real? I know there is a ferris wheel at the park in western Oldgrove, near Century Avenue and Beacon Street, but where could the book be?

The Wheel Tome is in Western Oldgrove, near Century Avenue and Beacon Street. While this tome is easy to locate, as it is at the base of the Ferris wheel, the player should be ready for an ambush by several wylebeasts. The player should head towards the base of the Ferris wheel; in the lowest passenger compartment, one side will have the swirl sign on it and several skulls at the base of the stairs. Dispelling the illusion with mind's eye will reveal Unaussprechlichen Kulten; picking it up will trigger the ambush.

Location of Unaussprechlichen Kulten after dispelling the illusion

Waiting Book[]


Exterior of the building where the Waiting Book can be found

Building the church was his redemption. Day after day he worked without payment, carrying stones and putting them in the moist soil of Salvation Harbor.
At night, when he returned to his house behind the church, he could not sleep. The book his ancestors brought across the ocean called.
When the church was built, the priest found him hanged on the bell rope. But the book is still waiting for someone to come and read it.
His house is in central Salvation Harbor on the Oldchurch Rd, between Seven Oaks St and Windheim St still has a bad fame and no one wants to live there even after the Flood.

The Waiting Book is located in central Salvation Harbor on Oldchurch Road, between Seven Oaks and Winheim Street. In spite of the in-game description, the house is not directly behind the church, though their is a story location there. The inside of the house has several hanging bodies in it and a broken ship hull leading up to the second floor. Once the player enters, several Lethians and Cocitans will appear and attack. After clearing the area, proceed upstairs to the top floor. The tome is behind an illusion wall, dispelling the illusion will reveal De Vermis Mysteriis on the floor in the center of a sigil on the floor.

De Vermis Mysteriis



  • Like most of the evidence collected through the game, (and unlike the letters the protagonist receives from Victor the Inkeeper at the beginning of the similar collection mission, "Letters From Oakmont",) the Book Collector's notes will appear in Reed's Casebook in the order in which they are acquired.
  • The Book Collector's identity is a mystery: they are never seen nor named, the only other possible reference is the "The Nightmares" document found in the same room as the other notes, which describes the author locking themselves in as they were being perused by the Yellow Kings.
  • Like the aforementioned unseen mission-giver, the massive, powerful monster that defends the Necronomicon is never given a formal name or classification, and no information on it can be found in either the Bestiary or anywhere else within the game.
    • Despite being marked on the map as an Infested Area on the map once discovered, this is the sole creature that spawns at this location, only doing so if the player approaches the back of the dead-end road (which, not uncoincidentally, is where the Necronomicon is found). This may lull first-time players into a false sense of security, leaving them unprepared for the difficult fight ahead.