The Sinking City Wiki

This page lists and defines words, phrases and other patterns used in the dialect (vernacular) specific to Oakmont City in The Sinking City.


  • Borg: Likely used to refer to a city or area (unclear) (e.g. "...there are other captains in this borg who may agree with your plan." -Letter about the deal
  • Droch: is used as the equivalent of 'damn'. (e.g. "Save your life and leave this droch city to the depths." -A crumpled letter)
  • Fisk: used as an equivalent to 'fish' but only that word in particular as other words such as 'fisherman' remain the same rather than 'fiskerman'.
  • Kay: used as an equivalent to 'God' see the main page on the subject: Kay.
  • Mair: used to refer to the ocean (e.g. "I needed all my will to fight the desire... the desire to go to the mair and sink into its depths." - Call of the Ocean)
  • Ve'ra: used to mean 'fine' or 'very well'

