Robert Throgmorton is one of the characters in The Sinking City. He is the head of the Throgmorton Grand Family, one of the three leading families of Oakmont. He had a son, Albert Throgmorton.
Robert explains that his unusual physical appearance is the result of his father marrying into an old royal family, and takes pride in his distinctiveness, even going so far as to claim he represents an evolutionary step forward for humanity.
Robert is unapologetically prejudiced against the Innsmouther refugees who settled in Oakmont after their town was razed by the police. The Blackwood Grand Family tried to help the Innsmouthers, but since the Blackwoods disappeared amidst the onset of the Flood six months ago, Robert has devoted his family's resources and vast influence to denying the Innsmouthers any aid from the city.
Like Johannes van der Berg, Robert has a scholarly interest in the hysterical visions that have been afflicting the citizens of Oakmont with ever increasing severity following the Flood. He has also funded and organized an expedition led by his son to investigate the seabed surrounding Oakmont for the Flood's possible source.
Robert Throgmorton is a highly intelligent, cultred, proud, racist and distinguished individual who has no qualms about his extreme prejudice against the innsmouthers. Highly dedicated and cautious; Robert is able to quickly ascertain information from a variety of individuals throughout the city and piece together clues which at times helps Charles Reed. He views the innsmouthers as something to be looked down upon and disrespected. He does whatever he can to prevent the progess of innsmouthers and seeks only their exit. Despite being bigoted, he is shown to be a loving family man who stays focused on ensuring his family's success and cultural/genetic lineage. He is fond of suits with an expressed importance on personal grooming and self-care. His is generally calm, speaking with a deep authoritative tone and dignifies his lineage with every action.
A highly well-groomed face with a sharp cream-colored suit over a black blazer with a red tie. Robert has very animalistic features similar to that of an ape. And his appearance almost never changes throughout the entire story.
- The Throgmortons, specifically their appearance and implied lineage, are a reference to the H. P. Lovecraft short story Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family.
- As stated by the people who despise Throgmorton, his appearance resembles that of a Primate for they sometimes address him as an "Ape."