The Sinking City Wiki
The Sinking City Wiki

"Ship's Log - Titania" is a document in The Sinking City.

It can be found on a shelf, in the basement of St. Mary's Hospital located Central Coverside, Near Landing Ave, between Roosevelt St. and Lincoln St.

It is a ships log, presumably filled out by Jeremiah Sanders.


...rgan accident place. Crew complaining of noises and now sleep. Fish behaving strangely.
Mar 22. Reached the... Crew reporting hallucinations.
Mar 23. Distributed rum, hopefully it will distract them.
Mar 23. Found an air pocket in the caverns near the Devil;s Teeth, close to the city.
Scientists discovered walls, ancient walls. Asked for crates with tools.
Mar 24. Sent Tate and Myers down to investigate after surfacing deadline passed.
mar 24. Tate and Myers returned only with Albert Throgmorton who is now completely unhinged. His madness - disturbing, unsettling.
Mar 24. The crew dragged Albert to a life boat. Tried to stop them, resulted in mutiny!
