The Sinking City Wiki

Through the Looking Glass is a side case in The Sinking City. It is given by Robert Throgmorton, after Charles Reed reports that his purchase from Herbert Glover has been stolen, ending the A Delicate Matter case.

Throgmorton Manor[]

When receiving this case from Throgmorton, Reed also receives permission to look through Francis Throgmortons study in Throgmorton Manor, he receives a key to do so. The study is upstairs and behind a locked door. There he a newspaper article entitled "Exclusive Interview!" which notes an expedition to Africa by Francis Throgmorton.

As well as a framed picture of a gorilla with "Rosie, 1891" written on it. Using his Mind's Eye on some illusory boxes on the desk, Reed uncovers safe with half a framed picture as well as some Private correspondence, which notes Francis Throgmorton's efforts to divorce his then wife Bethany Throgmorton.

Additional evidence can be collected by speaking to Robert Throgmorton about his fathers expedition and Bethany.

Oakmont State Asylum[]

From here Reed heads to the Oakmont State Asylum in search of Bethany. After talking to the receptionist there he learns that she is missing. The receptionist mentions that Bethany drew something strange in the walls of her room. Outside of her room Reed finds a broken mirror and a bottle of medicine, both of which can be examined. Inside he finds several other broken mirrors on the ground, several defaced newspapers and the second half of the photo on the shelf, a newspaper on the entitled "Throgmortons in Mourning" Which notes the death of Francis Throgmorton's firstborn, Hammond Throgmorton. On the bed there is a book that can also be read, entitled Bethany's note which reveals that it was Bethany Throgmorton who hired "Squint".

Using his minds eye on the picture on the wall and recreating the scene Reed discovers Bethany intends to go to Randall Glassworks and that she thinks the answers have been there "since the last century"

Additional evidence can be found by speaking to the receptionist about Bethany and Mirrors.

Oakmont City Hall[]

To get more information on Randall Glassworks Reed heads to Oakmont City Hall to use the archives there. (Subjects: Enterprises, Period: 19th Century, District: Salvatoin Harbor) There he finds a record entitled Randall Glassworks which provides the address of the factory: southern Salvation Harbor, Skipper Rd between Eel St and Calmshore St.

Randall Glassworks[]

Reed then heads to Randall Glassworks, on the ground floor he discovers several Wylebeasts, glass making tools on a table, a bottle of solution on a cart near the stairs leading to the basement. In the basement, There is an unusual Wylebeast and another locked door. Upstairs he meets several squatters hiding from the Wylebeasts, talking to them reveals that they know Bethany and that she was behind the locked door in the basement. They give reed a key and he heads down to open that door. There he discovers a large broken mirror which through his minds eye he sees Bethany walking through it to 'Randalls house' He also finds Randall's diary on the shelf opposite the mirror which reveals that Francis Throgmorton put his son Hammond in something called the Mirrorways, instead of killing him. There is also a Search warrent to the left of the mirror. and a search warrant to the left of the Mirror. Behind an illusion on the far wall Reed finds a book called the Mirrorways

Oakmont Police Department[]

To find the address of the mirror makers house Reed returns to the Oakmont Police Department to check the archives about the search warrent. (Crimes: complaints, Subjects: suspects, Evidence: Documentation) There he finds a document entitled "Mirror-maker's house". This reveals the address of Gaunter Randall's house: Oldgrove, the corner of windhalf Ave and Goldbridge Rd.

Mirror-makers house[]

Reed heads to the newfound address and discovers the Mirror-maker's house run down and infested with Wylebeasts. Upstairs he discovers an several notes about a mirror showing and an Occult tome on the ground:

On the ground floor he discovers an old newspaper on a large table entitled "Eligible Bachelor", a stack of unopened letters on a small table and an illusory wall near that. Behind the illusory wall he discovers a mirror on a pillow and a miniature coffin.

Following the omens from there, Reed is led downstairs to another illusory wall behind which he finds what appeared to be some sort of ritual set up. Featuring the missing mirror, A small child-sized coffin, a picture of young Hammond Throgmorton.

Using his minds eye on the mirror, Reed sees what appears to be a now grown Hammond Throgmorton trying to escape the mirror. (Note: standing near the mirror will cause constant sanity drain)

From there Reed can put the scene back together. Starting with the scene in the basement, then the scene on the upper floor, then the ground floor. After piecing it together he discovers that there is a barrier protecting the mirror, this barrier can be removed by destroying the smaller mirror behind the illusory wall.

After heading downstairs Reed finds Bethany. Here he decides whether or not to let her keep the mirror.

If he lets her keep the mirror, the mirror will shatter and Reed will hear the sounds of a baby within the small coffin. This will provide the player with the "Both Worlds" Achievement

If he does not let her keep the mirror, She will become aggressive and try to kill him.

Throgmorton Manor[]

After resolving things at the Mirror-makers House Reed returns to Throgmorton manor to speak to Robert Throgmorton. If Reed has the mirror and returns it to Robert Throgmorton who says he intends to find Hammond "a body fit for a true Throgmorton". This will provide the player with the "Family Reunion" Achievement. If Reed does not have the mirror Robert will express his disappointment and ask Reed to "Leave him to his ghosts".

