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The Sinking City Wiki

Time-charter Contract is a document in The Sinking City.

It can be found on a desk, in the captains quarters of the Titania found at Pier 3, Oakmont Port, Grimhaven Bay.

It is a contract presumably written or affirmed by Captain Jeremiah Sanders in relation to the expedition funded by Robert Throgmorton.


I, Captain Jeremiah Sanders, hereby agree to take on board my vessel, "Titania," any persons designated by Ropbert Throgmorton, and the cargo detailed in the attached manifest, as well as to provide them with any and all necessary assistance up to and including depth measurements, as well as diving support for underwater exploration and marine life observations. Aforementioned services will take place in confidential locations in Cod Bay.
    Afterwards, the Titania will provide transport for all passengers to the Oakmont Port. Compensation will be 70 bullets.

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