The Sinking City Wiki

"Wylebeasts" is the common name for a group of creatures that have infested Oakmont after the Flood.

When Reed asks Robert Throgmorton about them, he answers :

"You've seen a wylebeast, Mr Reed. I'm somewhat surprised to see you still alive. Those unsettling things appeared after the Flood. I've commissioned a few studies on them, but we know little more than when we started. They're aggressive, but fortunately not immune to gunfire. Try to avoid them when possible. And when you can't, keep your weapons handy."

Wylebeast dissolving

Stygian Harvester dissolving

There are several types of wylebeasts, which collectively make up much of the challenge the player faces during the game. The creatures can pop out of the ground, and if killed, will dissolve back into slime and disappear again.

In addition to being referred to as wylebeasts, each subtype has been given a more formal name by Professor Westerbrook, one of several locals studying the beasts. You can help further research on the matter by completing the Field Research quest.



Main Article: Stygians

Stygian illustration

Prof. Westerbrook's Illustration of Stygians

The first wylebeasts you encounter, they resemble human arms arranged in a spider-like fashion, standing on two large hands. There are several breeds of Stygians, only one of which is aggressive. These beasts are not usually dangerous on their own (some are not even aggressive) but are usually found in groups, accompanied by larger beasts.


Main Article: Lethians

Lethian illustration

Prof. Westerbrook's Illustration of Lethians

Humanoid looking wylebeasts, with a head split vertically from top to bottom, and who vomit dangerous blobs of fluid at the player. These creatures are former residents of Oakmont that have succumbed to a contagion of some sort and have transformed into Lethians. Lethians can be dangerous up close, and should usually be attacked at range, preferably with shots to the head, while avoiding their projectiles.


Main article : Cocitians

Cocitian illustration

Creatures resembling the upper half of a human torso, but with a huge maw connected directly to their digestive system. These creatures appear to be the result of Oakmont residents being repeatedly fed human meat, and adapting to better consume it. There are at least two varieties (red and green), both of which will lunge at the player and attempt to bite. Fortunately, after doing so the creature remains vulnerable for a few moments before standing back up.



Main article : Acheronians

They are the biggest wylebeasts encountered. They look like the gruesome combination of several human bodies, and are tall and powerful.

Other wylebeasts[]

These wylebeasts are encountered less frequently than the ones described previously.


This type of creature is encountered either underwater or in shadow form when Charles' insanity drops. It consists in a octopus-like tentacle possessing a toothed mouth. It is stationary and attacks by throwing itself when in range.


Tentacle wylebeast (screenshot from the cinematic trailer)


Deep sea creature by Evgeniy Maloshenkov (Artstation)

Man-eating eels[]

These eels attack Reed when staying in the water for too long, gradually depleting his health.

Deep sea creature[]

This fish-like creature can be encountered during dives. It attacks on sight and can quickly be fatal. A larger version can be seen swimming in the ocean, but does not attack.

Related Quests[]

Field Research - Doctor Grant from Oakmont City Hospital charges you with doing research on the major wylebeasts : stygians, lethians, cocitians and acheronians.


  • The tentacle wylebeast looks similar to the "Tentacles from Planet X" from The Mist 2007 film, for its appearance looks like the arms of a Cephalopod (squid or octopi) with pincer-like claws and a mouth attached on its suckers.
  • The formal names given to each subtype of Wylebeast refer to four of the five rivers of Hades in ancient Greek mythology: The Styx, The Lethe, The Acheron, and The Cocytus.